Do you remember your first prom? And what you wore?
The Story---☆
The other day (the day before Halloween to be exact), I was shopping at Dillard's and went by the formal dresses area (all very plain dresses in my eyes). I wasn't really shopping for anything there in particular (I went to Southtowne to go to the Sanrio store hehe *drools*) but I noticed a girl and a few of her friends in by the dressing room trying out a dress. It was a rather plain dress until she turned around to reveal ... that it was quite a revealing dress in the back! Ironically I was wearing my extremly covered up kimono in which I could barely move (plus my whole body was super sore from the super heavy layers I wore haha, but it was totally worth it).
Anyways, I thought back to high school prom and how everyone made it seem so important, especially with all the girls talking about
their super expensive dresses. Now, I never went to prom (I have super traditional asian parents who didn't let me go) but I knew a lot about prom from my best friend. I still have her group picture (with all the other asians in our grade) from senior prom. To be honest, all of their dresses were rather plain, just like that girl at Dillard's.
That's why this time, one of my teddy bears is wearing exactly what I'd like to see: ribbons, flowers, lace, and lots of it! Pearls, too! She even has a pearly corsage ^_^
Talk Au Courant---☆
Why don't girls wear extravagantly fancy victorian era dresses anymore? Okay, I bet those would be a little bit more expensive, but think about it. Why don't department stores sell dresses that have a lot of lace, flowers, ribbons, and just fabric in general? Why is it so hard to find one?
This story brings up another side note. Now, I'm not that strict about being conservative, but I've been raised all my life to think conservatively. For example, I feel uncomfortable when I
wear a revealing top, but I'm totally fine with short skirts (but not the super short skanky kinds...) As a matter of fact, one of my friends who went on a mission to Japan noted that Japanese/Asian girls tend to wear short skirts, but they always wear conservative shirts. On the other hand, American girls are the reverse.
Miss Teddy bear's outfit hits most of the points that I find make a dress elegant!
Lots of fabric for a flowy dress
(^-^) [♥]